Martin Armstrongs hervorragende Analyse zum US-Dollar als Weltreservewährung

Martin Armstrongs Analyse zum US-Dollar als Weltreservewährung – und warum der Dollar diesen Status vermutlich noch eine Weile innehaben wird – wenn auch mit sinkender Tendenz; bis eine Alternative gefunden wird


What Makes the Dollar the World’s Reserve Currency?

Throughout history there has always been a dominant currency. As each empire became the new financial capital of the world, their currency became the most prized and tended to circulate around the globe into even the fringe economies that they may have never heard of at that moment in time. The dollar is basking in its position as the global reserve currency, for now, but it is crucial to understand what makes a currency the global reserve.

Those who keep preaching the demise of the dollar based on antiquated theories that money must be tangible are living in the old world, where the Earth is still flat. The economy is far more dynamic and has long evolved beyond those primitive ideas. They cannot grasp that since the dollar is the reserve currency, the demand is global and not exclusively domestic.

The United States has NEVER canceled its currency, which is part of what makes it the…