Nachrichten & Blogposts

Gibt es durch Präsident Trumps Friedensinitiative wieder gute Aussichten auf eine ‚Friedensdividende‘?

Hallelujah! Predident Trump Actually Wants To Give Peace a Chance

David Stockman, February 19, 2025

Wow! These are the most powerful and consequential 36 words spoken by any US President. Ever.

“One of the first meetings I want to have is with President Xi of China, President Putin of Russia, and I want to say, ‘let’s cut our military budget in half.’ And we can do that.”

Yes, from the Donald’s lips to god’s ear and all that. The practicalities and obstacle-strewn path from here to there may well be insuperable.



Bitcoiners’ Guide to Austrian Economics

12/18/2024 Per Bylund

Austrian economics is a scholarly tradition that consists of a body of theory that explains how an economy works. Austrian economists develop theory a priori, meaning explanations are derived logically from sound starting points (i.e., the “action axiom” to Mises). This means the theory is true and can therefore be used to uncover the actual causalities behind observable phenomena. Economics is, therefore, to “Austrians” a framework for understanding what we see.


The West’s Very Fundamental Accumulating Contradictions

By Alastair Crooke,

The West doesn’t have the financial clout to pursue global primacy – if it ever did.

The election has occurred; Trump will take office in January; many of the existing Party Nomenklatura will be replaced; different policies will be announced – but actually taking power (rather than just sitting in the White House) will be more complex. The U.S. has devolved into many disparate fiefdoms – almost princedoms – from the CIA to the Justice Department. And regulatory ‘agencies’ too, have been implanted to preserve Nomenklatura hold on the System’s lifeblood………….


Pentagon Missing $824 Billion

The Pentagon, funded by you—the taxpayer—has truthfully NEVER passed an audit. Washington uses the Pentagon and Department of Defense as perhaps its favorite money laundering tool. Countless funds and supplies vanish year after year, and no one is ever investigated or punished. The corruption is blatantly in our faces. The most recent gimmick of an audit revealed that the Pentagon is unable to account for an astounding $824 billion missing from its budget. This is the seventh consecutive time that the Department of Defense has at least admitted that the agency “misplaced” hundreds of billions of dollars. Where are the funds?




BlackRock, rumored to be the biggest investor in Ukraine, looks like it will peak here in November, with sharply rising volatility into January. We have a Panic Cycle on Black Rock in April. It does not look very good for their investment portfolio.

Our computer has been warned that we had a Panic Cycle in November and a directional change in December. Zelensky will do whatever the Neocons tell him to. He thinks he will get hundreds of billions to rebuild Ukraine. I would not invest anything in Ukraine. Country Risk is now extremely high!


USA gibt mehr für Militär aus als die nächsten 10 Länder zusammen, einschließlich China, Russland, Indien, Saudi-Arabioen, England, Deutschland, Frankreich, Südkorea, Japan und die Ukraine


Navigating the Fiscal Storm: A New Course for U.S. National Defense

By Douglas Macgregor Nov 14, 2024


The United States is sailing through turbulent waters: the post-Cold War unipolar moment has passed, and the 21st-century geopolitical landscape is shaped by sweeping social, political, and technological change. Our current defense policy, a relic from a bygone era, is an expensive and ill-fitting suit that no longer serves its purpose. The fiscal storm is upon us, and profound changes are needed to right the ship.


Martin Armstrongs Analyse zum US-Dollar als Weltreservewährung – und warum der Dollar diesen Status vermutlich noch eine Weile innehaben wird – wenn auch mit sinkender Tendenz; bis eine Alternative gefunden wird


What Makes the Dollar the World’s Reserve Currency?

Throughout history there has always been a dominant currency. As each empire became the new financial capital of the world, their currency became the most prized and tended to circulate around the globe into even the fringe economies that they may have never heard of at that moment in time. The dollar is basking in its position as the global reserve currency, for now, but it is crucial to understand what makes a currency the global reserve.

Those who keep preaching the demise of the dollar based on antiquated theories that money must be tangible are living in the old world, where the Earth is still flat. The economy is far more dynamic and has long evolved beyond those primitive ideas. They cannot grasp that since the dollar is the reserve currency, the demand is global and not exclusively domestic.

The United States has NEVER canceled its currency, which is part of what makes it the…

Gold Climbing From Record High To Record High: Why Buy Now?

By Claudio Grass, October 29, 2024

There is no question that gold owners have been finally and spectacularly vindicated over the last months: the “barbarous relic”, the “worthless shiny rock”, as many have called the yellow metal, once again proved its value as a true safe haven. In the face of inflation, intense geopolitical turmoil and widespread uncertainty, investors fled to safety “en masse”, as they consistently, repeatedly and predictably have done for decades (if not centuries), inevitably pushing the gold price to unprecedented heights.



Update for Gold and Silver

Keep the big picture in mind: we are seeing the death of fiat currencies —all of them. But trying to trade it is a fool’s errand. This is about keeping it all in perspective…

By Alasdair Macleod October 21, 2024

Since December 2015 when gold’s value measured in fiat currencies began to rise, gold priced in the four major western currencies has been consistently hitting new high ground. Put another way, these currencies measured in gold have all more than halved, with the yen having lost two-thirds…………….

Gold, Silber, Bitcoin sind vermutlich besser als US-Dollar oder Euro


Top 3 Predictions for Post-Election America

By Doug Casey International Man October 17, 2024


Interest rates, the price of money, are the most important market. And, perversely, they’re the market that’s most manipulated by the Fed. Interest rates are still much lower than they “should” be, considering the amount of dollars being created by our central bank, the Fed, and the commercial banking system.

Higher interest rates are inevitable after going down for approximately 40 years, from 1982 to 2022. They last peaked in the 15-20% area in the early 1980’s. They bottomed in 2022. They’ll likely go up for many years from here, regardless of what the Fed or the US Government wants……

Get liquid. Be a prepper and set aside a few months’ worth of essentials in case the going gets tough.

Build your savings not necessarily in dollars, but in gold, silver, and Bitcoin…….

Gold’s Potential Is Wildly Untapped October 9, 2024

Yesterday Peter joined Michael Gayed and Will Rhind on the Lead-Lag Report. They cover a variety of topics, including the future of the dollar, China’s role in the economy, the prospects of war in the Middle East, and gold’s path to a $3000 price point and beyond.

Early in the interview, Peter laments the possibility that the United States will decline economically. China is poised to surpass our economy as the dollar continues to weaken:



Can America Survive Global De-Dollarization?

10/04/2024 Daniel Kowalski

“Money does not grow on trees” is an old expression of wisdom that seems to have been disregarded by 21st century American policymakers. People all over the world and throughout time base their decisions primarily through lived experience. The US dollar became the world’s reserve currency in the aftermath of World War II, which is now almost eighty years ago. There is virtually no one in power at the American government or in leading institutions who has a living memory from before that period.


Global Elites‘ Plans for Feudalism 2.0 – and How You Can Resist

By Doug Casey International Man October 3, 2024

International Man: There’s little doubt the self-anointed elite are hostile to the middle class, which is on its way to extinction thanks to soaring inflation and taxation.

It seems they would like to implement a kinder and gentler version of feudalism.

What is really going on here, and what is the end game?



„Das große Problem der Demokratie ist, dass die Mehrheit vom Staat mit der Zeit durch ‚Bildung‘ und Sozialleistungen zunehmend abhängig vom Staat gemacht wird und ‚staatsgläubig‘.

Und das höhlt mit der Zeit alle ‚Checks and Balances‘ aus. Eine Mehrheit aus vom Staat Abhängigen diktiert dann die Politik zu Lasten einer leistungsfähigen und leistungswilligen Minderheit.“

Wie es wirklich ist

… Erben aufzuspüren. Bernd Clasen

Niko Kappel Zeit Nr. 40/2024 19. September 2024

Wenn Sie denken, Sie werden niemals etwas erben, dann ärgern Sie sich mal nicht zu früh. Gerade habe ich vier Millionen Euro verteilt. Die 16 Menschen, die sie bekommen haben, kannten die Verstorbene gar nicht. Sechs Monate haben wir gebraucht, um alle zu finden.




BRICS, the Rise of China and How the Hegemon Buried the Concept of ‚Security‘

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture September 16, 2024

The first meeting of security experts/National Security Advisors under the expanded BRICS+ format in St. Petersburg unveiled quite a few nuggets.


Für 24 Stunden wird in Deutschland der Zugverkehr lahmgelegt – Streik beginnt heute um 18 Uhr
Die Gewerkschaft GDL hat heute ab 18 Uhr zu einem 24-stündigen Streik aufgerufen, der den Zugverkehr in Deutschland komplett lahmlegen wird.

Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin hat Gespräche mit dem saudischen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman über Öl, den Gazastreifen und die Ukraine geführt. Vorab hatte er den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten einen Besuch abgestattet.

Der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan ist zu einem mit Spannung erwarteten Besuch in Griechenland eingetroffen. Der erste Treffen nach jahrelangen Spannungen zwischen den beiden Ländern.

Israel genehmigt „minimale Treibstofflieferungen“  –  UN warnt vor Zusammenbruch der öffentlichen Ordnung
Israel hat eine „minimale“ Erhöhung der Treibstofflieferungen in den Gazastreifen genehmigt, um einen „humanitären Zusammenbruch“ zu verhindern. Die Vereinten Nationen warnen dagegen vor einem völligen Zusammenbruch der öffentlichen Ordnung im Gazastreifen.

Die Republikaner im Senat haben die Bewilligung von Militär- und Wirtschaftshilfe in Höhe von mehreren Milliarden Dollar für die Ukraine blockiert. Jetzt will US-Präsident Biden mit den Republikanern über Verschärfungen in der Grenzpolitik sprechen.

Venezuela und Guyana wollen Kommunikationskanäle offen halten – Brasilien verstärkt seine Truppen an der Grenze zu beiden Ländern
Guyana und Venezuela haben sich im Streit um eine ölreichen Region darauf geeinigt, „Kommunikationskanäle offen zu halten“. Unterdessen verstärkt Brasilien seine Truppen nahe der eigenen Grenze, die an Venezuela und Guyana grenzt.  Die USA mahnten die Streitparteien zur Ruhe.